
Guided Meditations

Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment without judgement. It is a state that is cultivated through meditation and other exercises, empowering users to live in the present. Studies show that mindfulness is a powerful conduit in improving an individual’s overall wellbeing.

Here at MINDX we use the philosophies that underpin mindfulness as a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to treat various mental and physical health conditions, creating a Mindful Based Cognitive Therapy. We believe that mindfulness is a life skill that everyone should possess, as the present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.

Below is a selection of guided exercises that consciously build upon each other, to help you in your journey. You start from the foundation of meditation, Breathing and work your way in difficulty to a full Mindful Yoga Meditation. MINDX was specifically designed to be accessible meaning you can practice your favourite meditation wherever and whenever you please.


At the core of formal meditation and something that we do instinctively, this short mindfulness exercise focuses on bringing awareness to the process of breathing. Watching our breath allows us to come into the present moment and practice the art of being aware.

Body Scan

One of the most accessible exercises, body scan meditation involves mindfully bringing attention to our bodies. We mentally scan from head to toe bringing greater awareness to bodily sensations. This helps us feel more connected to our physical self’s, gaining greater insights into potential causes of unwanted feelings.


Stationary or seated meditation uses breath as the central focal point and at times incorporating awareness of sounds, bodily sensations, thoughts or feelings.


Healthy sleep is contingent on quality of rest rather than quantity of hours. The minds propensity of getting occupied on thoughts is arguably strongest at bedtime. Sleep meditations are specific guided experiences that offer a natural sleep aid, allowing us to relinquish the day.

Start The Day

Morning meditations are used to set the intentions for the day, anchoring us at times of uncertainty. They give us the best opportunity to be fully aware, awake and alive before doing anything. This helps in creating a regular daily routine cultivating a calm, mindful and productive day.


The problem with anxiety is that it inhibits our ability for rational thought while it, itself begins to spiral out of control. By focusing our concentration, bringing ourselves back to the present moment over and over again we can address the root and relieve the problem whether positive or negative.


Depression is a state that weighs us down, narrowing our sense of hope and perspective and leading to demotivation, isolation and fear. Guided meditations for depression can offer a life line to grapple onto in such dire times. It teaches us not to attach such weight or importance to the thoughts that fuel our issues, creating necessary space for us to shift perspective.


Life can be stressful causing a sense of unease, triggering our flight-or-fight response. A prolonged state of such worry can cause various mental and physical strains on our bodies. This specific mindful meditation affects the body in exactly the opposite way by triggering the body’s relaxation response.


By combining meditation and mindfulness this exercise is a form of mental training, teaching us to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity and calm both our minds and bodies. The emphasis of this meditation is being fully focussed on “the now” so that we can acknowledge and accept our thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgement.

Mindful Yoga

Yoga is an ancient form of mind and body exercise that boots physical and mental wellbeing through a series of movements called postures that focus on flexibility, strength and breathing techniques.